First Time Here?

Coming to a new church can be intimidating if you don't know someone or the surroundings. We here at First Lutheran Church want you to know that when you are here, you are family. You are always welcome. Check out our campus Map to get familiar with where things are and come in and enjoy!

The Header image

Our Campus Map

Going somewhere for the first time can always be a bit confusing, we hope this image helps. The bottom of the image is Forbes Ave. and the right side is Cooper Ave. If you need help with directions or finding anything around our campus please give us a call in the office. (530)673-8894

Frequently Asked Questions

Question:  Where do I park?

Answer:  Enter the parking lot from Forbes Avenue, between Cooper Avenue and Clark Avenue. 

Question:  Where is the entrance?

Answer:  Walk to the North end of the parking lot and go between the two buildings.  Look for the wooden double doors under the “Welcome” sign.  

Question:  What is the “Traditional Service”?

Answer:  The Traditional Service is a more formal, liturgical service, featuring responsive reading, readings from the Bible, Creed, Sermon, Communion, and Traditional music (hymns) accompanied by organ or piano.   It starts at 8:30 and lasts about an hour.

Question:  What is the “Contemporary Service”?

Answer:  The Contemporary Service is a more casual service featuring responsive reading, readings from the Bible, Creed, Sermon, Communion, and contemporary Christian music accompanied by a praise band.  It starts at 10:51 and lasts about an hour.

Question:  What do I wear?

Answer:  The Traditional service is a little more formal so you will see some people wearing slacks, collared shirts, dresses, but you are certainly welcome to wear whatever you want.

The Contemporary service is a little more casual so you will see some people wearing jeans, tee-shirts, shorts, but you are certainly welcome to wear whatever you want.

Question:  What time should I get there?

Answer:  5-10 minutes before the beginning of service will give you plenty of time to say hi to friends and get settled in.  Food and drink is available between the services, see details below.

Question:  Food and Drinks?

Answer:  Snacks (cookies, doughnuts, etc.) and hot drinks (coffee and tea) are available between the two services (9:30 – 10:45) and after the Contemporary Service (11:45 – 12:00).  Enjoy!

Plan your first visit!
